Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Key light placed on right of subject with under exposed filler light placed on the left of subject
Effect Created: This creates a dramatic look due to the low key lighting, this lighting also tells us about the character and how she may be a dangerous person as there is a lot of lighting on the smoke rather than her face.
Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Top Light with a reflection coming from the right of the subject.
Effect Created: Dramatic, almost horror type look. The sense of the dark shadows coming from below her face may suggest that she is trying to escape from something. We can also suggest that this is Low Key as there is a strong effect of chiaroscuro.
Lighting: High Key
Position Of Light: Top Light, this is because of the harsh shadows under his eyes, nose and facial areas.
Effect Created: Makes this character look more like a king and shows off his outfit, also shows power and seriousness due to the top light shadows on his face.
Lighting: Low Key.
Position Of Light: Top light with an under exposed filler light on the right of the subject.
Effect Created: Very dramatic scene due to the very dark lighting and black and white effect, the lighting is mainly exposed on the prop (gun) and characters facial expressions which tells us he isn't a man to mess around with. We can also suggest that this is Low Key as there is a strong effect of chiaroscuro.
Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Key light is entering from left side of image, there is no filler light.
Effect Created: The type of lighting is arguable as the subject is well lit although there is a high contrast between light and dark as shown in the shadows, the use of only using one key light and creating a large harsh shadow suggests that this picture is related to thriller.

Lighting: High Key
Position Of Light: Right side though window.
Effect Created: The light is high key as the lighting is natural and coming in from outside although it creates some drama as there are many dark shadows on the subjects.
Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Strong key light directly in front of subjects. No filler light.
Effect Created: This creates thriller and suspense as this lighting forms very large shadows that are taller than the characters which may mean there is a different side to the characters in the image.We can also suggest that this is Low Key as there is a strong effect of chiaroscuro.
Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Key Light is hitting the right side of the subjects face.
Effect Created: The gritty wall and the dark shadow suggests that this is related to a horror genre, her back is also facing the light and she looks as if she has seen something unusual. There are also dark shadows around her eyes. We can also suggest that this is Low Key as there is a strong effect of chiaroscuro.

Lighting: High Key
Position Of Light: Top Light with a possibility of filler light on the right side of subject.
Effect Created: Shows us more detail of the characters facial expressions but yet makes her more glamourous.
Lighting: Low Key
Position Of Light: Back Light
Effect Created: A very dark, scary image. We can tell that this is Low Key lighting as there is a strong effect of chiaroscuro. The effect of backlight shows a sense of mystery and horror as the subject is very dark and almost unrecognisable.
Lighting: High Key
Position Of Light: Right side of subjects
Effect Created: The type of lighting is arguable as there is a slight effect of Chiaroscuro although both subjects are well lit. The reason for why this is arguable is because the women as slightly under exposed and has shadows behind her, this may suggest that she isn't a good person and may not be the best women to be with for the male character.
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